Thursday, October 29, 2009

Why Is My Computer Slow?

Why is my computer slow? I bet you have asked yourself that very question time and time again. And for the most part, you probably just can not figure it out. Ask the guy next to you, and they probably don’t have the foggiest idea either. I mean, you may get the “spyware” answer, but this most likely is not the case.

The first place I check when my computer starts to run slower is the registry. Yes, the registry. Most people don’t even know what, or where the registry is, and especially don’t understand how this can slow a computer down. Let me explain.

Basically, the registry files contain information and settings for all of the software, hardware, operating system software, and anything else running on your computer. Mess any of these files up, and the computer does not know how to function. The computer goes to start up the software, looks for the registry files, and either can not find it or finds something that does not look like it is suppose to look like. It then just sits there: it does not know what to do next. This is where the “hanging” or “locking up” of your computer comes from. These files will need to be fixed.

To fix the registry files, find a good quality registry repair software and run it on your computer. This is not something you can just do by yourself without any software. You can really mess some stuff up. So, use a registry repair software, and it will tell you how many files are corrupted and need to be fixed. Just tell the software to fix it and it restores all of the registry files to their correct configuration. It is really that simple. It may take only about 10 minutes to perform this check. And then as a maintenance item for your computer, I would recommend performing this registry fix at least once a week. This will always ensure your registry files are good, and keep your computer running with no freezing. So if you find yourself asking why is my computer slow, I would check the registry files first.