Thursday, October 29, 2009

E-Commerce Supporting Technologies - Computer, Computer Networking, Internet, Internet Connectivity

E-Commerce as the word suggests means doing business on the internet or on-line. The scope of business may involve:
• selling hard goods on-line such as a phone, computer or shoes

• Electronic goods such as e-books, mp3 music, software, graphics or pictures

• selling ideas or services

To sell the goods the merchant has to have a website or a virtual store on the internet for him to sell the goods on line. A prospective customer finds that site, buys goods on it, pays owner using a credit card or via other mode. Merchant receives payment and deliver the goods and supports the customer. Practically, that’s e-commerce in its simplest sense.

In between those e-commerce transaction a lot technology are involve to complete the sale. For instance, the merchant has to design and build a website developed using a complex programming language called HTML. Merchant has to register a domain name to identity his business on the internet. All information and products from his on-line store or business are encoded and stored on the merchant’s computer server or hosted by a third-party web hosting company. In order for the customer to find the merchant’s site, he needs a computer that is in turn connected to a system popularly known as the internet, for him to be able to visit the merchant’s site.

The Personal Computer in relation to E-Commerce

A PC or Personal Computer is a computing device or tool built around a microprocessor. It has lots of different parts -- memory, a hard disk, a modem, etc...That work together. It is also called general purpose equipment. General purpose means that you can do many different things with a computer. You can use it to type documents, send e-mail, browse the Web and play games.

On each own, the computer can be used to expedite the processing and storing of information such as word processing. It can also be made to transmit and receive information from other computers. These computers can talk and exchange information from each other thru a common computer language or protocol. The PC is the most valuable and core-technology needed to drive E-Commerce and Internet Business.

Computer Network in relation to E-Commerce

Two or several computers can be physically linked and made to communicate with other computers with in a local network (LAN). The term use to describe this interconnection is called networking. Networking of computers can be made using either a wired (cable) or wireless (radio) type of connection. Usually, networking or the linking of computers is subject to the range or distance limitation because the signal and quality of communication will degrade as distance increases. Computer Networking is applied for most on-line internet business for an efficient and productive E-Commerce business.

The Internet in relation to E-Commerce

The internet is a system that connects computer networks. The system of internet enables the interconnection of computers all over the world. It allows your computer to get stored information from other computers far away.

The protocol (TCP/IP) or language when computer communicate in a network is similar to the one used on the internet. That is why computers around the world understand each other despite different maker and place of manufacture.

Lots of computers all over the world are stored with lots and lots of information. The internet system hooked them together. If you have access to the Internet, you can read, hear and view all this information from your own computer. The Internet is all the reason behind the existence of E-Commerce and without internet connectivity virtual on-line business will totally cease to exist.

Telecommunication in relation to E-Commerce

A different type of technology is needed to transmit information from one computer to another over long distances. Telecommunication companies come into the picture to service the requirement of connecting one computer network to another computer network using different kinds of transmission technology.
Telecommunication is a broad term as it also covers not only data communication such as the internet but includes voice telephony as well.

Telecommunication companies are driving internet businesses to achieve internet connectivity. Without them one could never put their business on-line as only telecom companies are able to link networks over very vast geographical distances.

Connectivity in relation to E-Commerce

Connectivity is a broader term than networking. Networking refers to the physical (wired) or virtual (wireless) connection between computers. Connectivity refers to the state of being connected. For instance, a computer can be sync to a phone, music player and other devices. Internet access or the state of being connected to the internet information super-highway is a classic example of connectivity.
Internet Connectivity is important both in urban and rural-remote regions of the world.

Some regions are suffering from lack of telecommunication infrastructure thus internet access service is very limited. In order to achieve internet connectivity, remote villages either use satellite link, wireless radio systems and long-range phone extenders. Some communities have established telecentres which serve as a communication hub and outside link to the rest of the world. All forms of connectivity including internet connectivity are helping push the envelope of internet business as a whole.

So you've read about e-commerce overview and its supporting technologies. Try to imagine and picture out how e-commerce is being practice and how important are those technologies to making it possible.

The author , Allan Amps is a telecom sales & marketing employee with passion and interest for rural, remote internet connectivity solutions, wireless gadgets and internet home-based business.

He recently established a website - and with the aim of generating income out of his interest and passion. The goal is to reach those people yearning to start their own home-based business by providing valuable tips, guides and info of the best available solutions and programs that one can go into.