Thursday, October 29, 2009

Why Is My Computer Slow?

Why is my computer slow? I bet you have asked yourself that very question time and time again. And for the most part, you probably just can not figure it out. Ask the guy next to you, and they probably don’t have the foggiest idea either. I mean, you may get the “spyware” answer, but this most likely is not the case.

The first place I check when my computer starts to run slower is the registry. Yes, the registry. Most people don’t even know what, or where the registry is, and especially don’t understand how this can slow a computer down. Let me explain.

Basically, the registry files contain information and settings for all of the software, hardware, operating system software, and anything else running on your computer. Mess any of these files up, and the computer does not know how to function. The computer goes to start up the software, looks for the registry files, and either can not find it or finds something that does not look like it is suppose to look like. It then just sits there: it does not know what to do next. This is where the “hanging” or “locking up” of your computer comes from. These files will need to be fixed.

To fix the registry files, find a good quality registry repair software and run it on your computer. This is not something you can just do by yourself without any software. You can really mess some stuff up. So, use a registry repair software, and it will tell you how many files are corrupted and need to be fixed. Just tell the software to fix it and it restores all of the registry files to their correct configuration. It is really that simple. It may take only about 10 minutes to perform this check. And then as a maintenance item for your computer, I would recommend performing this registry fix at least once a week. This will always ensure your registry files are good, and keep your computer running with no freezing. So if you find yourself asking why is my computer slow, I would check the registry files first.

E-Commerce Supporting Technologies - Computer, Computer Networking, Internet, Internet Connectivity

E-Commerce as the word suggests means doing business on the internet or on-line. The scope of business may involve:
• selling hard goods on-line such as a phone, computer or shoes

• Electronic goods such as e-books, mp3 music, software, graphics or pictures

• selling ideas or services

To sell the goods the merchant has to have a website or a virtual store on the internet for him to sell the goods on line. A prospective customer finds that site, buys goods on it, pays owner using a credit card or via other mode. Merchant receives payment and deliver the goods and supports the customer. Practically, that’s e-commerce in its simplest sense.

In between those e-commerce transaction a lot technology are involve to complete the sale. For instance, the merchant has to design and build a website developed using a complex programming language called HTML. Merchant has to register a domain name to identity his business on the internet. All information and products from his on-line store or business are encoded and stored on the merchant’s computer server or hosted by a third-party web hosting company. In order for the customer to find the merchant’s site, he needs a computer that is in turn connected to a system popularly known as the internet, for him to be able to visit the merchant’s site.

The Personal Computer in relation to E-Commerce

A PC or Personal Computer is a computing device or tool built around a microprocessor. It has lots of different parts -- memory, a hard disk, a modem, etc...That work together. It is also called general purpose equipment. General purpose means that you can do many different things with a computer. You can use it to type documents, send e-mail, browse the Web and play games.

On each own, the computer can be used to expedite the processing and storing of information such as word processing. It can also be made to transmit and receive information from other computers. These computers can talk and exchange information from each other thru a common computer language or protocol. The PC is the most valuable and core-technology needed to drive E-Commerce and Internet Business.

Computer Network in relation to E-Commerce

Two or several computers can be physically linked and made to communicate with other computers with in a local network (LAN). The term use to describe this interconnection is called networking. Networking of computers can be made using either a wired (cable) or wireless (radio) type of connection. Usually, networking or the linking of computers is subject to the range or distance limitation because the signal and quality of communication will degrade as distance increases. Computer Networking is applied for most on-line internet business for an efficient and productive E-Commerce business.

The Internet in relation to E-Commerce

The internet is a system that connects computer networks. The system of internet enables the interconnection of computers all over the world. It allows your computer to get stored information from other computers far away.

The protocol (TCP/IP) or language when computer communicate in a network is similar to the one used on the internet. That is why computers around the world understand each other despite different maker and place of manufacture.

Lots of computers all over the world are stored with lots and lots of information. The internet system hooked them together. If you have access to the Internet, you can read, hear and view all this information from your own computer. The Internet is all the reason behind the existence of E-Commerce and without internet connectivity virtual on-line business will totally cease to exist.

Telecommunication in relation to E-Commerce

A different type of technology is needed to transmit information from one computer to another over long distances. Telecommunication companies come into the picture to service the requirement of connecting one computer network to another computer network using different kinds of transmission technology.
Telecommunication is a broad term as it also covers not only data communication such as the internet but includes voice telephony as well.

Telecommunication companies are driving internet businesses to achieve internet connectivity. Without them one could never put their business on-line as only telecom companies are able to link networks over very vast geographical distances.

Connectivity in relation to E-Commerce

Connectivity is a broader term than networking. Networking refers to the physical (wired) or virtual (wireless) connection between computers. Connectivity refers to the state of being connected. For instance, a computer can be sync to a phone, music player and other devices. Internet access or the state of being connected to the internet information super-highway is a classic example of connectivity.
Internet Connectivity is important both in urban and rural-remote regions of the world.

Some regions are suffering from lack of telecommunication infrastructure thus internet access service is very limited. In order to achieve internet connectivity, remote villages either use satellite link, wireless radio systems and long-range phone extenders. Some communities have established telecentres which serve as a communication hub and outside link to the rest of the world. All forms of connectivity including internet connectivity are helping push the envelope of internet business as a whole.

So you've read about e-commerce overview and its supporting technologies. Try to imagine and picture out how e-commerce is being practice and how important are those technologies to making it possible.

The author , Allan Amps is a telecom sales & marketing employee with passion and interest for rural, remote internet connectivity solutions, wireless gadgets and internet home-based business.

He recently established a website - and with the aim of generating income out of his interest and passion. The goal is to reach those people yearning to start their own home-based business by providing valuable tips, guides and info of the best available solutions and programs that one can go into.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Choosing The Right Notebook Computer

Notebook computers have incresed in popularity over the last few years. This buldging market for notebook computers gives you more choice than ever before. The flipside is that the wide range makes it that much more difficult to choose the right notebook computer without a little knowledge.

The most important questions is always: What will I use my notebook computer for?

This driving question should lead all purchases. No amount of techno-babble should make you get something that you just don't need. Stay informed and you will get the best results from you notebook computer.

Notebook computers are, by nature, designed to be moved around easily. More than likely you will use it for work, this is the place where the most commuting takes place and the place you will most likely transport your computer to during the day.

Smaller notebook computers are never quite as fast as their slightly bigger counterparts. The small sizes don't allow for the latest and fastest parts that need a lot of breathing room as they can become very hot. Lot's of time away from a power source necessitates getting a good battery and having a computer than uses the battery efficiently. In the digital age, the internet is very important for many people, so wireless connectivity is essential. Applications on a notebook computer will probably consist of software like the Microsoft Office Suite or similar and a few other programs. Small monitors and limited processing power will rule out most serious gaming, but for a notebook computer it is hardly necessary considering what it is intended for. Fancy graphics cards are an option, but are hardly worth it as everything else plays against it, except if you get a huge, powerful laptop computer, which is very cumbersome. Let's look at these in a little more detail.

Consider carefully the size of notebook computer that you need. There are a lot of different sizes with notebook computers. Browsing around your local computer store will give you a much clearer picture of the sizes, even if you buy online, checking a real one out first is highly recommended. The size is pretty much dictated by the screen size, with sizes running past 15 inches in some cases. A notebook computer with a smaller screen makes it more portable. An option for a smaller notebook comptuer is a wider screen. WXGA and other wide screen formats give a little extra width, allowing a much more roomy desktop. They are usually in a 16:9 width to height ratio, while 4:3 is the desktop standard. This extra width is perfect as it allows you to keep two programs open side-by-side without closing them all the time.

The processor is the next major consideration when choosing your notebook computer. In a general sense they are usually toned down version of their desktop counterparts. They are clocked lower, meaning they run slower than intended, but the upside is much reduced power consumption which is good for battery life. Any processor should have enough clout for office type software. AMD and Intel are the major names for notebook computer processors, although Intel has the lion's share of the mobile computing market.

After these two major items, the other bits are really just extras. There is room to choose and pick with most of these other parts on your notebook computer.

Essential extras include USB ports, wireless networking capabilities, network port and modem port. USB is the standard for peripherals that connect to the notebook computer. Another one that is sometimes used for video and others is FireWire, it's useful to have, but not essential. Wireless networking is becoming standard, but make sure. There should be a convenient way to turn off the wireless card as they suck a lot of battery power when in use and can be turned off when not in use. A network port is so standard that there must be one, modem ports are so common they should not be missing.

Your DVD might be external or built-in, if it's external you could be choosy about which kind and brand you get, perhaps even a DVD writer. A DVD is not essential. If you notebook computer is a second computer and you have a main one at home, then you could forgo the DVD writer or the DVD drive altogether if you really need a compact notebook computer.

The mouse pad on the notebook should be easy to use and responsive. It should be out of the way enough not to interfere when typing. Keyboard layout needs to be good, even if it is smaller than standard.

Finally you might feel a little safer choosing a notebook computer from companies like Sony, Gateway, Dell, eMachines, Gateway, HP, Toshiba, Thinkpad, Acer or Fujitsu. They are all major notebook computer makers and will be able to back up their products with guarantees that they will deliver on.

Avoid disaster and anguish by making sure you visit our computer buying guide before buying ANYTHING for your computer.

Friday, October 23, 2009

With So Many Online Computer Repair Services Out There How Do You Chose The One To Fit Your Needs?

Popular belief among IT professionals is that people should tune-up their computers every 90 days like they would change the oil in their cars. Although most computer companies would like everyone to believe that they need a new computer 90% of computer users only need to have their system tuned up and their computer will be running like new, if not better. For example, when your car starts acting up do you just get rid of it, or do you take it to the local mechanic? After the mechanic tunes it up it runs smoothly again. Well you can think of the technicians who do computer repair as the mechanics. Once a tech diagnoses and repairs the problem your computer can run smoothly again.

Concentration on managing systems by preventing problems instead of reacting to problems after they have done possible damage is a new way of thinking. Since computers are not just for business anymore it is even more important that problems are prevented as often as possible. More and more people use their computers everyday for everything ranging from preschool learning activities to seniors ordering their prescriptions online. Not to mention how much time so many of us save by paying our bills and doing our shopping online. Wouldn't it be nice if a computer repair service would provide you with 150 gb free backup space to safeguard your invaluable documents and engineers would install and configure backup software for you to ensure your computers always have a backup. If your hard drive crashes or you delete a file, there would be no need to worry they could help you restore any files you need. Almost every PC user has encountered the nightmare of computer problems.

Often they start gradually: The computer starts running slower, or develops a minor problem that can easily be ignored. Before you know it, that minor problem has escalated to an in-your-face sort of thing. And then the real fun starts: You get to decide whether you would prefer to haul your computer in to a service center, where it may disappear for weeks on end, or deal with a service person's intrusion into your home. The only thing more frustrating than computer problems is talking to someone who only speaks in jargon or "computer-ese." Computer support specialists that explain technical issues clearly in plain English and are as patient, friendly and helpful as they are skilled at fixing your computer are very hard to find. We also understand that computer problems don't keep regular hours, so shouldn't computer repair services be available at all hours and have REAL LIVE PEOPLE available 24/7 to help you with all your computer needs. There is no longer any need to wait around for hours for a tech to make a costly house call when so many companies out there can connect remotely to your computer and basically offer you an instant solution as long as you can still connect to the internet through a high speed connection. Family owned and operated companies who are focused on treating customers the way they want to be treated and know how valuable your time is are few and farther between.

The revolutionary new way is to make services available all hours of the day or night from the convenience of your own home through Remote Support. It's hard enough to find quality time to spend with our families without adding the hassle of unplugging all those cords that we had so carefully childproofed just to haul the computer to someone so they can tell you to drop a chunk of your savings into a new one. Computer Life Support is one of these new computer repair companies and was started by two brothers in the IT field. They grew tired of the horror stories of people who have received computer support from some geek. Only to be ripped off in the end and still having computer problems. Wouldn't it be nice to put an end to these horror stories. There are other companies out there that provide a similar service such as 3geeksandamouse, gurus2go, hiwired just to name a few. So go out and compare services and see what's out there to keep your computer running at it's highest capacity.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Increase Computer Security With Biometrics

Computer security is high on the list of priorities for most people today. Because computers have recently become very mobile, there is a very distinct danger that the personal data that a person keeps in their mobile computer can very well end up in the hands of the wrong kind of people.

There has been a lot of technology focused on providing the necessary security features in computers so that the data that is stored in them is kept safe. However, there is always one thing that typically undermines whatever security feature has been implemented on the computer. A personal computer or laptop is principally a private piece of property. As such, while the data that is stored in it is also very personal, the person using the computer is often prone to disregarding whatever security protocol is used to protect the data and computer. This is simply because he or she is assuming that the computer will remain personal and safe from other hands.

Unfortunately, time and again, that belief has been proven false, which is why computer security needs to be developed around the idea of security being second nature to the user. To organically merge security with the individual, a lot of people and organizations aim to increase computer security with biometrics.

Essentially, biometrics consists of a fingerprint scan that serves as a security barrier for the computer. Once installed in a computer, no potential computer user can access the computer unless he or she is specifically identified as a legitimate user of that computer.

As a device, the biometric reader scans the information from the fingerprints of a person. This acts as a key to opening up the computer. Unless the person has the right fingerprints to match those stored in the biometric device, the computer remains inaccessible. Thus, the computer is well protected from illegitimate users.

There are several advantages when people increase computer security with biometrics. For one thing, it is a very natural and quick way to register the person with the intended computer he or she is supposed to use. Accessing a laptop, for example, only takes putting a finger against the biometric scanner and having it check whether the scanned fingerprint matches with the fingerprint on file for the biometrics device. Once a match is confirmed, the computer becomes fully usable. Thus, security with biometrics is quick and easy.

What's more, the fingerprints of a person are unique to each individual. Fingerprints do not match between different people. Thus, there is no chance that two individuals can open a computer that is keyed only for one person’s fingerprint.

Thus, for companies and individuals who are looking to ensure their data, one of the best things that they can do is to increase computer security with biometrics. Not only is biometrics one of the safest ways to secure a computer, it is also one of the most natural and convenient. Every personal computer that stores confidential and personal data — and what personal computer does not — should use biometrics to increase security.

Dominion Corporation is the leading online source for Increase Computer Security with Biometrics Visit us now to learn more about how to Increase Computer Security with Biometrics

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Computer Hackers Wanted For Organized Cyber Crime

Low Risk - High Return - Work Your Own Hours
The Ultimate Get Rich Quick Scheme

Wow! Can you imagine a help wanted ad like that in your local newspaper or pay-per-click ad in your favorite search engine?

Yet, organized cyber crime has become the most profitable - low risk - high return crime of our age. Hundreds of thousands of hackers are quietly using the Internet, hiding behind thousands of captured computers, stealing identities and money from innocent people like you and me. Sadly, there is little chance the hacker will ever get caught.

Organized cyber crime has become a big-time profession. Professional hackers make it their daily job to take advantage of current computer security trends and send out threats like Spam, phishing e-mails, Trojan horses containing key loggers, hijackers and more, all targeted to steal your identity and ultimately your money.

These cyber criminals can work alone or in groups. Either way, their first goal is to capture computers and turn them into zombies or bots. These are computers that the hacker controls without the owners knowledge.

As more and more computers are captured, the hacker develops an Army of computers or botnet that can be used for any number of criminal activities. The botnet may send out Spam e-mails, and Trojan horses. A botnet can cause denial-of-service attacks on web sites extorting money from the web site owners. This whole time the hacker is hiding behind a string of computers under his control. Tracing back to the hacker is nearly impossible.

Hacker Tools For Sale

Anyone can take advantage of the computer security trends and become a part of the organized cyber crime world. The tools of the trade are everywhere. You can find web sites that promote the use of these tools. What do you want? Here's a partial list of items you can find on the Internet:

· Remote Access Tools - known as RATs. These tools allow remote access to a computer. They were originally developed for white hat hackers to remotely repair computers. Now, this is a major tool in a cyber criminal's toolbox.

· Key logger Tools - Corporations and even parents find these tools necessary to keep everyone in line on the Internet. Unfortunately, hackers have learned how to use these tools to steal your private information.

· Video And Audio Systems - Hackers have tools that will penetrate your computer systems and watch your every move through the camera mounted on your computer or microphone that came with your computer.

· Voip And Broadband Phone Services - you can easily find tools such as web dialer worms to break into computers and listen to conversations or even dial and use the phone service. How hard is it for a criminal to place drug purchases or conduct terrorist activities with your computer?

· Computer Memory Storage - hackers can acquire tools to section off your computer and store anything they want like child pornography, criminal records and more.

· Spamming Tools - want to send e-mail out of someone else's computer? Just purchase this easy to use software and you can make that happen. Hackers send millions of Spam e-mails every day making up over 90 percent of all e-mail sent out worldwide.

· Create Your Own Virus - Yes, it's true. There are many web sites offering to mutate a current virus to your needs. Lately, virus attacks have been more targeted. That's why you haven't heard about massive virus attacks lately.

· Drive By Spyware - There are some web sites that promote that they will pay you to allow them to place a tool on your web site that puts spyware on every computer that visits the site. The more computers infected the more money you make.

· Computer Scrambling Devices - you can purchase tools that will scramble all or some of the information on a computer. Simply invade a computer, scramble important information, leave a message telling the victim to pay a few hundred dollars ransom to an overseas account and they will send the code to unscramble the information.

This list could go on and on. Organized cyber crime uses every tool they can find or devise to take advantage of the current computer trends and enhance their threats.

The headline reads: Computer Hackers Wanted For Organized Cyber Crime! The sub headline should say, "The general public is indifferent and isn't doing much to protect themselves. The Timing couldn't be better."

Organized cyber crime has moved, for the most part, from targeting large businesses to individuals and small business. Criminals know that this targeted group has little knowledge of computer security and a small amount of money to invest in their protection. They view this group as easy prey. So far, they are right on target.

The sad truth is that most people either don't seem to care or don't know what to do. Most of those that don't know what to do don't do anything about it, either. That's the current computer security trend. As a result, organized cyber crime and computer security threats continue to grow at an accelerating pace. Over $67 billion was stolen last year. Over eight million identities have been stolen every year for years and years back.

What Can We Do To Fight Organized Cyber Crime And Turn These Computer Security Trends Around?

For the most part, criminals are lazy. They are looking for the low road - not the high road. Making yourself a hard target to attack is your first defense against organized cyber crime and computer security threats.

The old saying, "knowledge is power," is most important. Make sure everyone in your home or business understands the threats and is careful not to allow these on a computer. However, even with the best knowledge there can be accidental leaks from opening Spam e-mail, drive-by-hacking from a web site, downloading infected cds and more.

Here are some tips to protect your home and business:

· Make sure you keep up with the latest most up-to-date Microsoft Windows patches
· Use an industrial grade bi-directional firewall. Most over-the-counter and products offered by Internet services don't offer this quality technology
· Make sure you have up-to-date antivirus protection
· Make sure you have best-of-breed anitspyware protection. Antispyware and antiviruses are different computer security threats and require different protection technologies.
· Avoid web sites that may have spyware including gambling and pornography.

The best protection is using the same computer security solutions used by major corporations around the world. A solution that uses overlapping technologies to prevent antiviruses, spyware and other computer security threats.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How Computer Programmers Can Improve Your Business Growth Rate

The primary role of a Computer Programmer is to write programs according to the instructions determined primarily by computer software engineers and systems analysts.

What are Contract programming? Well, when companies need specific computer programming expertise, for temporary periods of time, they generally hire a contract programmer or an employee of a consulting firm.

There are several Online Computer Programming courses that will prepare students for the growing professions in Computer Programming. A lot of people who start a website or a small internet business use simple templates to put a website online while having little or almost no knowledge of HTML programming. You can develop hot-selling software without doing any programming at all. A programmers job description ranges from simple writing, testing, maintaining and improving detailed computer programs. They also do a number of troubleshooting.

Most commonly associated with a computer career is the computer programmer job. However, today, if you are looking for a computer career as a computer programmer, you also have options within the career itself. Positions for Applications Programmers and Systems Programmers will be abundant in consulting businesses, data processing firms and software houses.

In a nutshell, Computer Programmers are the ones that take the completed designs and convert them into the instructions that the computer can actually follow. Good computer programmers are in demand, and incomes for Computer Programming can be excellent. A Computer Programming degree that teaches designing, analysis, and programming skills can markedly improve the chances of entering into this field. Businesses require the expertise of computer programmers to develop growing applications of growing technologies. Degrees in computer programming qualify students for designing and using computer programming design and applications in various aspects of business.

There are quite a large amount of software development companies worldwide. You can locate these using search engine. All these companies have programmers amongst other employees that work to create software. India is well known for software development. Programming skills are not acquired overnight, there need study to be done but it is a skill much needed both online and off line.

Programmers can create anything you can image. Need a software that does specific things you require, then contact a programmer or software development company to get it done. Selling software is very profitable most of all online, cause customers get instant download. Programmers work either with companies or on freelance websites. The price to pay depends on what you need. Some software cost $1300 to get created, others less or more. Some jobs like script installation may cost around $50 more or less. Other programmers charge per hour.

Computers have officially become a necessity in this 21st century, and with this technology boom comes the growing availability of a computer career. If you are looking for a computer career, your range of options is immense.

Computers and Information Technologies are as ubiquitous in our lives today as the air we breathe. Computers have led to a third information revolution taking its place alongside agricultural and industrial revolutions. Keeping your computer's software and operating system clean is essential to have an optimal running computer. If you have a computer that is bogged down by incompatible software, viruses and spyware, your computer will suffer from performance issues and can crash repeatedly.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Small Business Approach To Computer Downtime

The muscle of a modern small business
If it’s true that the backbone of any small business is its employees, then I believe it’s fair to say that the muscle of many small businesses would have to be their computers. Plain and simple, business today is performed electronically. Whether it’s a day-trader trading stocks over the internet, a lawyer, physician or other professional looking up data, or a shopkeeper tracking prices and sales, computers are often an essential “tool of their trades”.

In fact, in the majority of professions where a computer is used, it is often not possible to effectively perform the job role without it. Sure the day-trader could continuously call their broker every five minutes for stock quotes, but in practical terms their business is reduced to a standstill. An analogy would be a carpenter trying to work without his hammer.

However, when you consider complexity, comparing a PC to a hammer is kind of like comparing a space shuttle to a bicycle. The average computer is a marvel of complexity. In fact, when we break it down, we’re not even talking about a single device. Computer systems are made up of a collection of hardware and software components, usually made by different manufacturers, working together for a common purpose. And it follows simple logic; the more complex the system, the more that can go wrong. All it often takes for a business to come grinding to a halt is for one of those components to malfunction.

Computer downtime can result from numerous circumstances. Viruses and spyware are waiting to infect your PC through the internet, email and even commonly used applications. Internet hacking, identity theft and other cyber crimes are all on the rise. Compatibility issues and missing or corrupt drivers plague both hardware and software alike. And problems with the installation and use of everyday programs can cause no end of headaches.

While the above points can raise a number of questions in the average small businesspersons mind around the costs associated with these downtimes and what can be done to minimize them, straight answers are often not easily found. In this article, we will attempt to analyze these questions and determine the best approach for professionals and small businesses to take in dealing with computer downtime.

Options for dealing with downtime
Questions surrounding downtime related costs have become such a hot topic on the Internet that an online calculator has been developed by NTA Monitor Ltd. to assist individuals and companies in determining the cost of computer downtime (You can try it out at While this calculator can be quite handy, it is often not readily apparent what numbers to use for “total downtime” or “labor costs”. So lets just do some calculations of our own to determine the total overall costs that a professional or small business faces due to downtime and see if we can determine the best approach to resolving downtime related incidents.

The first and hardest question to answer is “how long is an average downtime incident for a small business?” Well, I’m afraid that there is no easy answer to this. While the average time is completely dependant on the nature of the problem, for this example we can piece together a typical scenario of events to create our timeframe.

When a typical computer issue or problem arises, there are a number of avenues that a small business owner can take to see it resolved. As most small businesses can obviously not afford to pay for a full or even part-time IT staff, the “do it yourself” method is often first employed. Resources such as friends, family and the internet are consulted for answers and some trial and error approaches, such as using generic “fix all” programs, are tried. That failing, a local computer service shops can be called for on-site or drop-off support. Or as a new and increasingly popular alternative, a remote service provider can be used.

Depending on the user’s knowledge of computers, the “do it yourself” approach can sometimes work and considering the time spent doing research, trial and error fixes, etc. the average issue can be resolved in as little a an hour or two. But sadly, more often than not, the time spent does not result in a solution and it is added to the overall incident time. So to make our calculations simpler, let’s deduce that on average the amount of self help time spent saves as much time as it looses and instead we will focus on three remaining options; on-site, drop-off and remote support. We will base our calculations on an eight hour work day.

While being a more expensive option, on-site services can often result in a quicker resolution time than drop-off service. Usually a technician can be scheduled for “same day” or “next day” service. On average this results in a total downtime of around eight hours.

A small business can save some money on the hourly rate it is charged by choosing to drop off their PC for service instead of having a technician come to them. While some service depots have longer waiting lists that result in the business owner losing their PC for numerous days or even weeks, shopping around for service usually results in an average turn around time of two to three days. Factoring in the time spent disconnecting and reconnecting your system, as well as the time spent dropping it off and picking it up, it’s reasonable to say that the average downtime for drop-off service is in the neighborhood of 24 business hours.

Finally, there is a lesser known option for small businesses that has grown out of advances in “desktop sharing” technologies. Professional remote computer service and support technicians can access computers directly through their internet connections to resolve computer issues.

Michael Hovila, the owner of AdvanceServe Remote PC Services ( informs us that “remote computer repair and support services are available to any computer that is connected to the Internet, anywhere in North America; It can be from home or business, a hotel suite or while telecommuting, or even through local wireless 'hotspots'. We can even connect though your home or corporate firewall... Then just sit back and watch as our remote technician controls your mouse and keyboard to diagnose and fix your computer problems or to demonstrate how to use or configure common applications.”

The hourly rate for remote support usually falls somewhere between that of local drop off and onsite service rates, while the downtime is reduced to an average of two hours per incident as a result of not having to wait for service. However, not all issues can be resolved remotely. Physical problems such as hardware failures still need to be dealt with by a “hands on” technician.

Calculating the costs
So which option is best for the small business owner? Let’s do some quick and simple math to find out. Based on average “resolution time” claims from numerous sources, I have decided to use two hours as the mean resolution time for these calculations.

For onsite service, rates are charged either on a “per hour” or “per incident” basis. Since we are calculating “per hour”, I compared the rates of four leading national on-site service providers and worked out an average of $100 US/hour for onsite support. So the total cost for a two hour service call ends up being $200.

Next we examine the cost of the drop-off service option. Prices in this category vary a little more depending on the service provider but a comparison of two national providers and two “mom and pop” local service depots resulted in an average hourly rate of $60 US per hour. Based on our two hour resolution time the labor cost for this option is $120.

Finally there is the remote support option. An average comparison of four trusted national providers resulted in a rate of $80 per hour. For a two hour resolution time the total cost is $160.

But we’re not done yet. Now we have to factor in the loss of wages that has resulted from the down time. 2003 Bureau of Labor statistics suggest that individuals who use computers for a living make an average of $36.20 an hour in wages and benefits. So using that figure as the “per hour” loss due to downtime for a single computer, we can calculate and compare the total cost of downtime for each of our three timelines.

Option One – Onsite Service

Total Downtime: 8 hours

Lost wages: $36.20x8=$289.60

Cost of Service: $200

Total Cost of Downtime: $489.60 per PC

Option Two – Drop Off Service

Total Downtime: 20 hours

Lost Wages: $36.20x20=$724

Cost of Service: $120

Total Cost of Downtime: $844 per PC

Option Three – Remote Service

Total Downtime: 2 hours

Lost Wages: $36.20x2=$72.40

Cost of Service: $160

Total Cost of Downtime: $232.40 per PC

Well, based on total costs the hands down choice appears to be “Remote Computer Support”. However, there are a couple additional factors that should be examined a little closer before making a final decision. As mentioned earlier, remote support has its limitations. The primary two being, the issue cannot be fixed remotely if it is a result of a physical problem with a component, and the computer being serviced must have working internet access.

To determine how the first limitation factors in, we need to determine what percentage of computer problems are hardware vs. software related. Vendor data shows that software issues are actually 40 times more common than hardware issues. Therefore, in theory, when the computer can still boot up and access the internet, around 97% of problems can be solved remotely.

The best approach

I now believe we have enough data to make a well rounded decision regarding the best approach for professionals and small businesses when dealing with computer downtime.

Step Zero: The reason I’ve added a “step zero” is that an age old saying still applies to modern problems; an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Take the time to have routine computer maintenance performed on your PC. There are a number of great “self help” guides to keeping your PC running smoothly. Or consider signing up for a routine maintenance plan by a professional remote provider if you are either not comfortable with, or do not have the time to maintain your own computers. But no amount of maintenance can prevent the inevitable, so when downtime does occure…

Step one: If you are reasonably knowledgeable in computers and you can still access the internet, it can’t hurt to take a few minutes to search online or with your peers for answers. If the answer is not apparent within fifteen minutes of searching, there is a good chance the solution is not simple enough for the average computer user to solve and professional assistance should be considered.

Step two: To save time and money, your next best step is to try a remote service provider. They can often resolve your issue quickly and get you back to making money instead of spending it. Even though they cannot resolve physical problems, you will still come out much farther ahead on average by trying a remote technician first.

Step three: In the few cases where the issue ends up being hardware related, your next best choice would be the onsite provider. Many remote providers have local affiliates who they can recommend you to and can provide you with diagnostic information to pass on to the local technician, which may reduce the required support time.

Addendum: Since this article was first published, I have received a number of emails asking for my recommendations on the best choice for computer support providers in each of the areas I covered. So as requested, here are my choices for the top national providers. Please note that the following choices are simply based on my own research and experience:

Recommended Remote Provider:

AdvanceServe Remote PC Services


Recommended On-Site Provider:

CompUSA Technical Services


Recommended Drop-Off Provider:

CompUSA Technical Services


From downtime to uptime

Computers are an essential part of most modern small businesses but when problems occur, the costs associated with them can quickly spiral out of control. However, a quick and well thought out response to computer downtime can save a small business hundreds or even thousands of dollars. I hope this guide will help you to be better prepared when your downtime comes because it’s not a matter of if; it’s a matter of when.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Computer Basics

A computer is not just one thing but is consisted of many parts that work together. A desktop computer is a computer intended for use at a single location only. It is usually bulky and consisted of many parts connected together by wires. Here are some of the basic parts of a desktop computer.

The CPU or Central Processing Unit. This is considered as the brain of the computer. This is what processed all the information and carries out the commands in your computer. This is regarded as the most important computer part because without this, your computer will cease to function.

The RAM or Random Access Memory. This is considered to be the short-term memory of the computer. The bigger memory capacity of your computer's RAM, the more files you will be able to store and more often, the faster your computer would work.

The motherboard. This is the main board in the computer. It contains many chips and circuitry. This is where the CPU and RAM are located.

The hard drive. This is where all the computer programs and information are stored.

The floppy/CD/DVD drive. Floppy drives are used less and less. This is where floppy disks are put in. CD/DVD drives are prominent today because of the high us of CD's and DVD's. Aside from reading CD's and DVD's, computers now have the ability to store information on them through a process called "burning."

The monitor. This is the computer screen that displays whatever you are doing on the computer. Today, computer monitors come in different shapes and sizes.

The keyboard. This looks like a typewriter and is what you use to type on the computer. This also serves as a control of whatever you are doing on your computer.

The mouse. This is used to control the pointer on the computer screen. It has two buttons, left and right, that is used to click and choose things on the computer screen.

A sound card found inside a computer allows for the output of audio through a computer's speakers or headphone. A video card on the other hand allows for the output of video that is displayed in the computer. Using both of these is usually helpful when using your computer for games or for viewing videos.

The power supply. This is connected to all computer parts and is what supplies power to all parts of the computer.

Aside from the basic computer parts, there are still many other parts that can be found on a desktop computer. You can add a printer to put into hard copy the files on your computer. A speaker, to hear the computer's audio. A scanner, to put in images into the computer. A webcam, to serve as a computer camera. A modem, used to connect your computer to the internet.

You may already know the parts mentioned or may have been familiar with them only now but whichever it may be, you are now ready to get yourself a new computer. Whether you want to get a whole new computer set or just looking to get some parts upgraded or changed, you can't go wrong with Cheap Shopping Center.look through this online store. You'll be sure to find your entire computer needs here without the hassle of going out and searching computer stores one by one. Browse this site and you can get brand new or pre-owned computer parts and accessories at the cheapest prices. You are definitely going to get a bargain at this store without sacrificing quality. So go on, visit and get that perfect computer for you!

Marshall is an avid Internet Marketer, and enjoys connecting surfers with the products they are looking for and getting paid to do it. He has been running as a way to present various computer parts and accessories in a new way.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Guide to Choosing a Computer System for Your Child

Before going further into choosing computers for children, I believe that you would like to know the answer to the following question:

Why do children need computers?

The easiest answer for this one is: “A child needs a computer so that he can play computer games”. Everybody agrees. Nevertheless, let’s not just limit on the short term use of the computer… Let’s analyze a little the world we live in and see what can acomputer do for children.

Computers are starting to have more and more importance in our daily life. Almost everywhere you go, you find computers. At office or at home, a computer is almost indispensable.

Not knowing to use a computer, you find many difficulties. Moreover, things will not get easier in the future, because the world is getting more and more computerized. That is why your child should get accustomed and work with computers from an early age. If your child does this, it will be much easier for him to adapt to the ever-changing technology.

Educational products are nowadays released mostly on computer CD's.

More and more educational products for children are now released in the form of programs and electronic encyclopedias and can only be viewed with a computer, somehow forcing you to buy a computer for your child. Unlike the traditional learning methods, learning with a computer has the advantage of interactivity. Children love to learn with computers, because they can control the way they learn and what they learn.

Of course, a child will use a computer mainly to play computer games. At first, the computer will be for your child like a more expensive toy. The computer will be his favorite toy. Your child will play computer games the entire day. However, after a while, the child will settle down and start exploring the other sides of the computer.

At first, the only thing I was doing at my computer was playing. Then, as time passed, I started being interested in how computers work, the internet, 3D modeling and so on. Now I can say that I know a lot about computers.

The disadvantage of computers as toys is that it is a lot more expensive than other toys for children, but on the long term, the money you spend will come back multiplied many times in the form of knowledge for your child. That is why I do believe that a computer is a very good investment on the long run for you and your child.

Which computers for children to buy?

Since the main use of the computer for your child will be to play games, you should choose a fast system on which modern games will run smooth. Also, because modern computer games use lot’s of space, a high capacity hard drive is recommended. The computer you choose for your child should be equipped with a DVD, because DVD’s are starting to replace CD’s as main data transport medium.

Now that you have chosen a computer system for your child, all you need is a monitor. You can choose from two types of computer monitors: CRT and LCD. LCD monitors are the ones you usually find in a office. They are flat and do not produce radiations. However, they are not recommended for the purpose your child will use it, because of the slow reaction time. CRT computer monitors are bigger and cheaper. They are more indicated for children who like to play computer games a lot.

Read the whole article located at

Eugen Lisov is the creator of , a site that helps parents worldwide to choose the best toys for their children. Please feel free to browse my site; it will only help you when choosing toys for your child.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Top 5 Common Computer Problems and Solutions

If you own a computer, then you have probably encountered these computer problems before. Once you buy a computer, you must accept that sooner or later it will eventually crash due to a virus or some other massive error. If someone told you that your computer will last more than a decade, don't believe it because it is just a myth or another sales pitch. But of course, you should take care of it if you want it to last for its third year without any defects.

However, there are many people that would prefer to buy a new computer than spend some time trying to fix or figure out the problem with their laptop or desktop. Usually after the first two years, you will need some kind of maintenance because your computer will tend to lose its original speed and performance. Well, here are some if the common problems that a computer user usually experience.

You may ask why your computer has problems. To tell you frankly, most of the time the biggest problem that your computer has is YOU - the owner or the user. There are many people that neglect the first signs of computer problems. You shouldn't neglect those simple maintenance tasks that can enhance or prolong the life of your computer.

1. Computer speed or performance has slowed.

One of the things that computer owners usually notice is this. There are several reasons why this happens to your computer. Lack of maintenance, fragmented data, corrupted registry, spyware, and unnecessary loading of computer programs and services can surely affect your PC speed and performance. Managing your programs and cleaning your registry can easily boost your computer's performance speed up to 30%.

2. Computer system freezes and blue screens of death.

You need to do some serious diagnostic procedures to effectively know the problem with your computer. Computer virus or spyware are maybe some of the reasons why this is happening to your computer. Update your anti-spyware immediately to avoid this kind of problem and thoroughly scan your computer to see if it has any viruses or spywares. If you find that your computer is free from spyware then updating your hardware drive is the next step. Hardware drives makes it easier for your computer to effectively communicate with other hardware components. Without an updated driver the CPU locks up and may cause problems when you are using your computer. If that doesn't work try to increase your Computer RAM to help avoid computer freezes. By increasing the RAM you get more use out your computer's computing power.

3. The computer keeps on rebooting again and again.

This kind of problem is usually associated with hardware issue. Faulty power supply is usually the cause of this problem. Dirty or defective cooling fan is another reason why your computer is rebooting spontaneously. When your computer is trying to cool itself when the fan is defective it automatically switches off. Dust that accumulated in your computer can trap the heat inside which makes it hotter. What you should do is to clean the fan and make sure that it is running properly. Do not forget to check your power supply.

4. Noises and vibrations.

This one is almost certainly that your have hardware issue. High pitched noises can be caused by electronic components. Whatever the reason, you conduct a small investigation. Unplug your computer and remove the case and run the computer to discover the origin of noise. If a loose wire or faulty fan is not the one that is making the noise then it may be time to call a computer tech to help you with your problem.

5. Your browser home page changed itself.

It is known as "high-jacking" which is also caused by a Spyware installed on your system. The spyware in your computer installed a java script into your web browser that tells your browser to change settings hence changing the default home page of your browser. What you can do is to run an anti-virus or spyware program to remove the spyware from your computer.

All of the problems stated in this article can be avoided easily by simply maintaining your computer. Do not panic when you are experiencing a computer problem with your PC because the key to fixing that problem is to properly diagnose to identify what's happening to your computer. Take a few minutes to run some diagnostic test or seek help in computer forums before you rush out to computer technical center.